"Dragonfly Dreams" Dreamcatchers

Grandmother Spider


Circle Power Spider Web Father Sun  
Crescent Moon Follow Your Dreams Dream Catcher  
Inside the Dream Dream Catcher
One Dream After Another Dream Catcher

Click on Pictures for Close ups, names and stories
are there for some of them, but the stories of others
are coming soon.

  These dream catchers are all made in a traditional way with wooden rings made with local woods, willow, red twig dogwood and other woods. We gather and form these ourselves. The feathers are all natural from non-endangered birds. The original string was made from nettle by the natives but eventually would fall apart. These should last. I only make them one at a time upon orders so that I can focus on the name of the person it is for. Therefore I do not have any in stock for large orders and it takes about a week to make it and ship one out. If you want to order one specifically for someone, please let me know their name, and when you need them to receive it.